Child psychiatrist Tom Anders and I have written a book that melds interviewing technique with the nuts and bolts of DSM-IV diagnosis. The first third of this volume is a guide to interviewing children of all ages. We take readers step by step through the initial interview, describing and illustrating what you need to do to establish rapport, what kind of information to seek, and how to obtain it. We present guidelines for interviewing preschoolers, schoolage children, and teens and show you how to structure the evaluation for best results using such techniques as directive and nondirective questioning, art activities, play, and family interviews. Verbatim excerpts from six actual interviews demonstrate how seasoned clinicians tailor their evaluations to the child's developmental level and personality, engage hard-to-reach clients, and zero in on clinically relevant data. We then review the components of an effective written report. The second part of this 480-page book follows the format of DSM-IV Made Easy. Here, we bring you diagnostic information about 28 mental and behavioral disorders that are usually first diagnosed in childhood, as well as 32 "adult" disorders as they may be encountered in children. We have translated the sometimes difficult DSM-IV criteria into straightforward prose and highlighted the differences in presentation that can be expected at different developmental stages. Special features include 45 detailed case vignettes, pointers for interviewing about specific disorders, and quick-reference tables and charts to facilitate rapid differential diagnosis.
Part I. Interviewing Children and Adolescents
A Background for Evaluating Children and Adolescents
Chapter 1. Interviewing Informants: The Basics
Chapter 2. Structuring the First Interview with the Young Patient
Chapter 3. An Introduction to Development
A Variety of Interviews with Children and Adolescents
Chapter 4. The Infant/Toddler Interview
Chapter 5. Play Interview with a 6-Year-Old Girl
Chapter 6. Play Interview with a 7-Year-Old Boy
Chapter 7. Interview with a 9-Year-Old Girl
Chapter 8. The Adolescent Interview
Chapter 9. The Parent-Child Initial Interview
Chapter 10. The Written Report
Part II. DSM-IV Diagnoses Applicable to Children and Adolescents
Chapter 11. Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence
Chapter 12. Cognitive Disorders
Chapter 13. Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition
Chapter 14. Substance-Related Disorders
Chapter 15. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Chapter 16. Mood Disorders
Chapter 17. Anxiety Disorders
Chapter 18. Somatoform Disorders
Chapter 19. Factitious Disorder and Factitious Disorder by Proxy
Chapter 20. Dissociative Disorder
Chapter 21. Gender Identity Disorder
Chapter 22. Eating Disorder
Chapter 23. Sleep Disorder
Chapter 24. Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified
Chapter 25. Adjustment Disorder
Chapter 26. Personality Disorder
Chapter 27. Other Diagnostic Codes
Appendix 1. Structured Interviews and Other Reference Materials
Appendix 2. Outline of DSM-IV Diagnoses